Author Archives: GauZ

My name is Gaurav Pandey. I graduated from Columbia University (Dept. of Computer Science) and have been working as a Software Developer on a variety of technologies in the beautiful city of New York :)

Optimization using Hill Climbing

The following example shows how to find the best portfolio configuration given that only the price of a single stock can be incremented by 10 cents at a time. Since we are using Hill Climbing technique, we can find the local optimal value easily but the same cannot be said for finding the global optimal […]


Prefix Tree

Creating a prefix tree is quite easy in Python! root = {} def addToTree(node, word=()): if not word: return addToTree(node.setdefault(word[0], {}), word[1: ]) def main(): for word in (‘batman’, ‘bane’, ‘bale’,): addToTree(root, word) print root Output: {‘b’: { ‘a’: { ‘l’: { ‘e’: {} }, ‘n’: { ‘e’: {} }, ‘t’: { ‘m’: { ‘a’: […]


Do Value Types in C# always go on the stack?

It is quite well-known that value-types are created on the Stack (sometimes in registers as well depending on the allocation strategy) and reference types are based in the Heap area of memory. But when you are creating a custom type and you wish to embed value types in there, where would they reside? So it […]


Another way to print hex value in C++

You can simply use the std::hex base format flag! This also works with oct and dec. #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Value of 10 in hex: " << std::hex << 10 << std::endl; std::cout << "Value of 10 in dec: " << std::dec << 10 << std::endl; std::cout << "Value of 10 in […]


Pass a STL Array of fixed size as a parameter to another function without declaring the size in the function signature or prototype

There are two ways of doing this. You can either pass in a pointer/reference to the array along with it’s size to the function. #include <iostream> #include <array> void swap(int *arr, int a, int b) { auto t = arr[a]; arr[a] = arr[b]; arr[b] = t; } int partition(int *arr, int low, int high) { […]