Category Archives: Kaleidoscope

Go Avengers!!!

Wow, I’m glad I saw this movie yesterday! 😉


Back after a while …

A lot has changed around me in the last one year or so 🙂 I’ll start posting new items on my blog on a regular basis going forward.


Technical Certifications are like a TAX!

Just like many other Software Developers and Network Administrators, I was wondering whether Certifications in a particular technical domain will be advantageous in a way. Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, Red-Hat and countless others have their own set of certifications to assess, evaluate & justify a candidate’s skill set. But to be honest, ‘Certifications are like TAX […]


Rain expected in the crunch-game

India’s cricket match against English side is under threat from high above. It is supposed to rain and the match maybe reduced by a few overs I believe. If it was China hosting the event, they would have surely taken care of the Clouds by using some form of chemical dispensers, as they did during […]


Bermuda Triangle of Un-Productivity :>

Here is a new rehashed version of the fictional Bermuda Triangle. 🙂 I wonder whether Florida folks are affected by this!