Category Archives: Python

Logging in Java, C# and Python

In Java & C#, the most commonly used logging utilities are log4j and log4net. Python has it’s own inbuilt logging module which includes the exact same features as other log4X brethren! Setting up logging module in python >> import logging def initLogger(appName=’Application’, handlerType=’StreamHandler’, \ loggerLevel=’INFO’, handlerLevel=’DEBUG’): ”’ * There are many handler types available such […]


Implementing a Stack in python

To implement a Stack in python, we simply need to extend the existing list class! class Stack(list): def push(self, data): self.append(data) def tos(self): if self: return self[-1] def peek(self, index): if self and 0 <= index < len(self): return self[index] def __iter__(self): if self: ptr = len(self) – 1 while ptr >= 0: yield self[ptr] […]


Iterating over a custom ‘Jagged Array’ in Python

A jagged array is an array whose elements are arrays. The elements of a jagged array can be of different dimensions and sizes. A jagged array is sometimes called an "array of arrays." C# natively differentiates between a jagged and a multidimensional array. To iterate over a every single element of a Jagged Array in […]


read(), readline(), readlines() & xreadlines() func in Python

While doing a regression analysis, I had to read & parse through a large .dat file. I called readline() func but was surprised to see that I was actually iterating through every single character in the first line! with open(filePath, ‘r’) as f: for line in f.readline(): print line Then realization dawned upon me! * […]


Convert vowels to uppercase in a string

Given a string – say “hello world”, I was interested in capitalizing the vowels in it – IN A CLEAN & EFFICIENT WAY! In the first approach, I use a StringBuilder object to hold the intermediate String while in the second approach, I’m using a C# feature – Linq. In the second approach, there is […]