Generating Certificates using Keytool

In Windows 7, make sure you open Command Prompt under Administrative mode.

On Server machine:

$ keytool -genkey -alias SrvKeystore -keypass abcd123 -keystore SrvKeystore -storepass abcd123

What is your first and last name?

[Unknown]: G P

What is the name of your organizational unit?

[Unknown]: GauZ

What is the name of your organization?

[Unknown]: GauZ

What is the name of your City or Locality?

[Unknown]: NYC

What is the name of your State or Province?

[Unknown]: NY

What is the two-letter country code for this unit?

[Unknown]: US

Is CN=G P, OU=GauZ, O=GauZ, L=NYC, ST=NY, C=US correct?

[no]: yes

On Client machine:

$ keytool -genkey -alias CliKeystore -keypass abcd123 -keystore CliKeystore -storepass abcd123

What is your first and last name?

[Unknown]: P G

What is the name of your organizational unit?

[Unknown]: ZuaG

What is the name of your organization?

[Unknown]: ZuaG

What is the name of your City or Locality?

[Unknown]: NYV

What is the name of your State or Province?

[Unknown]: NY

What is the two-letter country code for this unit?

[Unknown]: US

Is CN=P G, OU=ZuaG, O=ZuaG, L=NYV, ST=NY, C=US correct?

[no]: yes

$ keytool -export -alias CliKeystore -keystore CliKeystore -file CliCert.cer

Enter keystore password:

Certificate stored in file <CliCert.cer>

Copy CliCert.cer to server machine

On Server machine:

$ keytool -import -alias CliCert -file CliCert.cer -keystore SrvKeystore -keypass abcd123 -storepass abcd123

Owner: CN=P G, OU=ZuaG, O=ZuaG, L=NYV, ST=NY, C=US

Issuer: CN=P G, OU=ZuaG, O=ZuaG, L=NYV, ST=NY, C=US

Serial number: 4d481b66

Valid from: Tue Feb 01 09:40:38 EST 2011 until: Mon May 02 10:40:38 EDT 2011

Certificate fingerprints:
MD5: 19:35:1E:1C:39:BC:A4:DA:9C:86:1A:67:6B:0C:4D:86
SHA1: 93:F5:BA:4D:48:02:A1:BE:F1:93:A0:6C:AF:48:AB:84:05:1B:B2:D7
Signature algorithm name: SHA1withDSA
Version: 3

Trust this certificate? [no]: yes

Certificate was added to keystore

$ keytool -export -alias SrvKeystore -keystore SrvKeystore -file SrvCert.cer

Enter keystore password:

Certificate stored in file <SrvCert.cer>

Copy SrvCert.cer to client machine

On Client machine:

$ keytool -import -alias SrvCert -file SrvCert.cer -keystore CliKeystore -keypass abcd123 -storepass abcd123

Owner: CN=G P, OU=GauZ, O=GauZ, L=NYC, ST=NY, C=US

Issuer: CN=G P, OU=GauZ, O=GauZ, L=NYC, ST=NY, C=US

Serial number: 4d481b2e

Valid from: Tue Feb 01 09:39:42 EST 2011 until: Mon May 02 10:39:42 EDT

Certificate fingerprints:

MD5: 83:99:66:6F:C4:84:19:A8:C3:1A:A2:53:DC:0D:9F:8E
SHA1: 69:07:35:5E:A4:56:4D:A4:C5:EC:3C:3C:B3:8B:13:20:6C:86:5D:93

Signature algorithm name: SHA1withDSA

Version: 3

Trust this certificate? [no]: yes

Certificate was added to keystore

Client side: CliKeystore and CliCert.cer

Server side: SrvKeystore and SrvCert.cer


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