Where is WordPress API Key????

http://www.wordpressmax.com/wordpress-guide/api-key-confusion << This link came to my rescue when I wanted to find my own WordPress API key.

There is a clear demarcation between wordpress.com (where a user creates his online blog) and wordpress.org (which provides the software for users to create a self-hosted wordpress website). If you are a wordpress.com blogger, you can easily see the API Key from under the Profile section. And if you happen to have a self-hosted wordpress portal, you will STILL have to create a wordpress.com account. Here, you will be provided with an API key which has to be used on the self-hosted blog site. In short, you will be connecting your self-hosted blog site with the online wordpress.com blog and all other blog sites under WordPress umbrella through your unique API Key which has to be kept TOP-SECRET since it is your identity/password! ….ssshhhhhh!!! :))).


Multi-select Flex List Control

Well, I had a requirement to use a multi-select Flex List control. I wanted to avoid the CTRL-button-down process altogether and devised a custom component.

Upon clicking the item for the first time, the item is added to an ArrayCollection and is selected as well. If you click again on the same item/record, the item is removed from the ArrayCollection and deselected immediately. 🙂

Code is attached in the file alongside >>


(Replace the “.mxml_.txt” extension to “.mxml” before using the file)


Robocopy << Interesting file/folder copier

I was trying out xcopy tool to copy/deploy files/folder to remote locations esp UNC based folders and I happened to come across ROBOCOPY!!! It is a relatively new tool which is capable of coping entire folders/sub-folders/files to a normal folder located on a UNC! The files are copied only if the existing files on the destination folder have different time stamps or different file sizes.

      ROBOCOPY source_folder destination_folder [file(s)_to_copy] [options]



Computing Pointers through C#!!!

It has been quite some time I played around with Pointers and decided to go back at the one thing I like the most! But since I have been using C# since quite some time, I decided to use and implement the concept of Pointers through .NET environment.

Lots of challenges exist in the process. This is because CLR (Common Language Runtime) exists at the heart of .NET framework and it is the manager of the whole show! According to Wikipedia, ‘Managed Code’ is defined as:

‘Managed code is a differentiation coined by Microsoft to identify computer program code that requires and will only execute under the “management” of a Common Language Runtime virtual machine (resulting in Bytecode).’

For example in most OOPS languages such as C# and Java, memory allocation and garbage collection for object is controlled directly by CLR which is an example of ‘Managed Code’. But in C language, user had to allocate and free up memory by himself (alloc, malloc, calloc, realloc and free). This is ‘Unmanaged code’. There are many more examples highlighting the advantages of using the Managed Code besides making the life of a programmer easy! 😉

But, I wanted to stick to C# as the development platform and try out pointers since C# gives us the liberty to choose between Managed Code and Unmanaged/Unsafe Code. Below is a small example which highlights the basics of pointers. When running the example using Visual Studio, you would have to check the option for ‘Allow Unsafe Code’ in the Project Properties of Visual Studio.


My Portal

Something which I have been working on for the past 3 weeks. 😛

More details in upcoming posts. 😉