Tag Archives: test

Semantic Test Plan – KFrog Language

This post is an extract from one of my earlier project under Prof. Alfred Aho for the course – Programming Language & Translators, where I implemented a Test Suite for validating the KFrog Language interpreter. Report: http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://gauravpandey.webs.com/KFrog_FinalProjectReport.pdf Technical details: https://docs.google.com/View?id=d8gtx9j_164g2gz7k5x Originally, the idea was to test the graphical output generated by the interpreter. Since, it […]


Validating Tomcat-SSL Configuration using a Java Client program

Continuing with the topic of configuring Apache Tomcat – SSL, we wish to validate the connection using a Java Client program. The prime motive is to use a standard Java Console application and connect over SSL with an already deployed web portal running on Tomcat. Use sample Java code – HelloClient.java (Replace the file extension […]


Think twice before cheating on that online test! ;)

This was really really interesting! I have heard of a program called LockdownBrowser, which includes a monitoring tool capable of reporting all the other programs running on the computer or being utilized by the User simultaneously. It isn’t just a web browser but a combination of programs and is similar to the “Warden” application used […]