*New* face of Computer Science!

Gee ..Barnes & Nobles seems to be changing the meaning of the term “Computer Science”! And why would anyone buy a manual for Facebook & iPad!!! ???


Diff : File Comparer (Version 1)

I was interested in building a program to DIFF files similar to BeyondCompare, WinMerge, diff app inside Tortoise & other subversion utilities. So, I came up with the following simple application which takes in 2 folders and performs a recursive Diff throughout and lists the files which are content-wise different or not present in either of the folders. Environment used is Visual Studio 2010 (.NET Framework 3.5).

Basic premise is that the content of two files would be same if their hash values are exactly equal.

Source File: Program.cs App.config
(Replace the “.cs_.txt” extension to “.cs” before using the file)
Feel free to modify the source code and if any bugs are found, please do comment back to the post as it will be helpful to others.


Forget desktops, forget laptops xD

I wonder whether there is any noticeable performance improvement in the above System design! 🙂


LRU Cache implementation using ActionScript

LRU Cache

LRU Cache

Source File: LRUCache.as MDIllegalObjectException.as MyDictionary.as MyLinkedList.as MyNode.as QuickSortTest.mxml Test4.mxml
(Replace the “.as_.txt” extension to “.as” before using the file)
Feel free to modify the source code and if any bugs are found, please do comment back to the post as it will be helpful to others.
For more information on Timestamp-based in-memory Cache implementation, please visit >> http://gauravpandey.com/wordpress/?p=274


BioShock Infinite Gameplay!

Best 10 minutes of gameplay footage I’ve seen in a long, long time. 🙂