Tag Archives: tortoise

Diff : File Comparer (Version 1)

I was interested in building a program to DIFF files similar to BeyondCompare, WinMerge, diff app inside Tortoise & other subversion utilities. So, I came up with the following simple application which takes in 2 folders and performs a recursive Diff throughout and lists the files which are content-wise different or not present in either […]


Removing Subversion Control over a file/folder

I use Tortoise Svn as Subversion tool on Windows platform and Subclipse on Linux platform. For some reason, I had to remove the subversion control over a file/folder. The solution: Right click on the file/folder and goto ‘Tortoise SVN>>Export ‘ Then export the file/folder to itself (choose the same file/folder as the export-to file/folder) If […]